Turquoise Marketing© Strategic Management Planning Industry-Specific Interaction Training Program
Turquoise Marketing© Corporate Branding Institution-Specific Interaction Training Program
Turquoise Marketing© Advertising Efficiency Management & Agency Efficiency Audit Training Program
Turquoise AIDA~KD Jiujitsu Sales Techniques Interaction Programs
Turquoise AIDA~KD Advanced Sales Techniques Interaction Programs
Turquoise AIDA~KD Aisle Sales Techniques Interaction Programs
Turquoise Leadership Intermediate Management Interaction Performance Program
Turquoise Marketing Senior Management Integrated Training Programs
Turquoise Presentation & Meeting Techniques Interaction Program
Turquoise Marketing Branded Real Estate Planning & Marketing Interaction Program
Turquoise Competitive Perception Management & Manipulation Training Program
Turquoise Feasibility Report & Marketing Plan Training Program
Turquoise Stress & Anger Management Corporate Interaction Program
Lagrimas Caribbean Model Stress Management Individual Practice & Workshop Program
Turquoise Phone Call Center Interaction Training Program
Turquoise Sales Hotel Professionals Stress Management Training Programs Industry-Specific Training Program
Turquoise Sales Gastronomic Sales & Stress Management Industry-Specific Interaction Program
Turquoise Sales Discussion & Debate Management Techniques Interaction Training Program

Is it an endless sea
That takes its color from the sky
When we no longer need it?

What winds carry it away,
With whose gift does it turn to prejudice,
Which shade of green breaks its routine?

Why Is the Interaction Training Different?

Is it possible to determine the difference between an ordinary corporate training seminar being given for the sake of giving it, and a special interaction training that benefits both the participants and the total institution performance during the meeting, before the seminar?

“Yes, this difference can be spotted instantly by an experienced manager. The material worth of a corporate training seminar should be guaranteed. But it’s not possible to turn back the time that’s spent. For the training to have a permanent added value, the way the content is shared should be just as effective as the content itself, which should be practice-based. The main difference between an ordinary training seminar and a special interaction training is the interaction the tutor is going to create with the help of their field experience.” K.D.~

Most people participating in the corporate trainings state that the seminars go great, but they still have no idea how to adapt the information they learn to practice, which means to their jobs or social lives. However, during an interaction training, the transmission of information between the tutor and the participants shouldn’t be one-sided. This benefit makes the training more entertaining and the topic more interiorized through mutual interaction. Therefore, it’s not enough for a tutor to have teaching experience only.

The topics being discussed during trainings are issues that require competence both in terms of career and the social life. With the participants’ contributions, the main route of the seminar may shift a little but if the tutor has enough field experience, the destination they’ll eventually reach will remain the same. This critical factor is the reason why a real interaction training cannot be given by just any tutor.

Turquoise Marketing

Turquoise Interaction Training Programs include educational processes in parallel with the study titled Turquoise Marketing, penned by Kunter DOGRUSOZ. These processes are based on reaching ‘Turquoise’ through combining the theoretical green and the practical blue with a red interaction training bridge.

In this way, the participants become more than a mere audience when it comes to applying the theoretical knowledge to real life and act as a bridge along with the tutor, so the training is interaction-oriented instead of simply communication. At the end of all the programs, efficiency surveys and result commentary reports are presented.

For simultaneous, large institution trainings, Kunter DOGRUSOZ conducts a separate pre-training program for experienced tutors from all cities-institutions as well as taking care of the efficiency audit and total result evaluation personally.

turquoise marketing

Strategic Management Planning Program: With the pre-study process conducted with the related institution’s senior management, the brand bearing is prepared. It’s a program consisted of 4 days in total; two consecutive days the first month and another two days the following month.

It includes an operative educational workshop process about how to create the performance management process of all the units (especially the human resources) including finance in terms of total sales maximization. The program deals with; Turquoise Marketing instructions, performance-oriented strategic marketing planning and then the organizing, executing, coordination and controlling stages with SnowPort program.

The name of the institution that joins the program, its participants and all the corporate information remain hidden within the frame of corporate confidentiality.

Corporate Branding Advertising Effect Management & Agency Efficiency Audit is an integrated educational marketing interaction program that includes; the operation of the revised marketing plan specific to all the senior management and related units as well as the attached sales program, post-sales relationships management and R&D studies.

The essence of the program; taking the active brand bearing through the three points we must stay abide by during the marketing campaigns’ creation and operation process and creating a revised route accordingly. In other words; repositioning.

These bearing points are much like a star on a blue sky, a green island and a red lighthouse that help an experienced captain while he’s taking a bearing; they’re calculated and crosschecked with a hundred years old sales factors according to the Turquoise Marketing principles, which is created by the combination of hot sales effect, aesthetic creativity and artistic natural formation.

corporate branding

Elements the participants are expected to develop at the end of this certificated program:

‘Bearing’ techniques to determine where the branded products are in the eyes of the consumers
Measurement techniques to determine where the branded products are in the market
Three bearing resultant method for repositioning
Main criteria in strategic management planning and drafts
Techniques of drawing the line at distribution of work, wording and internal auditing management
Building an efficient data flow bridge between sales groups and the marketing group
Agency and company distribution of work during the artistic marketing process
Methods of overcoming customer perception filters during communication
Criteria to take into consideration while choosing an advertising agency
Special techniques to add a spirit to the workplace and the brand as well as to keep it alive
Dos and don’ts for sub-brands and product diversification
Restructuring process of issues such as promotions, packaging, public relations and customer relations in accordance with Turquoise Marketing and the AIDA~KD model.
Developing practice-oriented career & premium programs and Turquoise Marketing principles to be followed while creating sales units
Effectiveness and efficiency audit of advertising and media planning agencies
Applying the hot sales brand/product presentation techniques with the AIDA~KD model
R&D management from active sellers’ general product and brand statistics
Methods to form creative processes for functional aesthetic differentiation
Mutual coordination of all the other units with R&D
Techniques to make use of the sub-brands’ synergic effects
Key points of strategic career planning and crosscheck criteria
Synergic leadership practices during all the marketing processes

This special program aims to be completed through all the subjects being dealt with in each module following the next one where they turn into practice. It includes many practical operations such as various audiovisual examples of art, active sales-oriented tricks and corporate brands competitive drill operations.

It’s possible to request two different interaction trainings consisted of 8 full days; a short program for consecutive 2 days or once again consecutive 2 days for 4 months.

Jiujitsu Sales Techniques Program includes active sales principles’ unchangeable natural Jiujitsu techniques that show their results through hot sales effects. Combined with the sales techniques Kunter DOGRUSOZ has been giving seminars about since 1993; it’s an ‘extraordinary and exciting’ program according to the participants. It aims to increase the total sales approximately 35%.

It includes 4 different packages for 4 different performance group interaction trainings. For people working in performance-based jobs and those dealing with sales, dealer channels, retailers, face to face active (hot) sales workers with less than eight months of experience; ‘Turquoise Sellers 100’; for those with more experience ‘Experienced Sellers 200’ and for managers ‘Sales Managers’ and ‘Telemarketing’.

With the combination of face to face hot sales’ basic operations which have remained the same for a century, Jiujitsu natural techniques and K.D. Turquoise Sales techniques; the program predominantly focuses on practices. It’s a certificated training program that’s consisted of many practices that will help people who have newly started working in the industry before picking up bad habits as well as examples and competitions. Overall, it’s a simple and entertaining training process.

It can take a day, two consecutive days or 4 weeks x 4 days in total.

jiujitsu sales
advanced sales

Advanced Sales Techniques Program is a fun program developed for professionals with minimum two years of experience. At the end of this interaction course, the participants are expected to make use of what they’ve learned not only in their professional lives but also in their social lives; because at this point, sales is not a persuasion phase but a mutual interaction process that effects real life as well. In this interaction process, the participants are not trainees but knowledge sharers.

It’s a program that shares hot sales techniques, which have remained the same for a century, Jiujitsu sales techniques and K.D. Turquoise Sales advance techniques as well as Turquoise Marketing ‘Individual Sociologic Techniques’ all at once. Assertive and certificated, (as the participant managers put it;) it’s an “extraordinarily fun” program. During the training process, all the practices of the corporate world are taught through examples from social life like man-woman relationships.

It’s an operative program consisted of 1 day for 4 weeks. It also has two special presentations as an open program during the institution-specific month.

Aisle Sales Techniques Program is developed predominantly for workers who deal with both the sales and service.

At the end of this training, the participants will not only start enjoying the different aspects of their jobs but also strengthen their service quality which is based on their sales performances.

It’s an entertaining and operating class training consisted of two consecutive full days. Having only 16 participants in total or fewer is important in terms of one on one interactions and individual efficiency.

aisle sales techniques

Turquoise Leadership Intermediate Management Program focuses on how to improve one’s relationship with themselves with the help of the simple and magical mathematical formula of leadership and then with others for all kinds of bilateral relationships. It’s a fun program about how to create the synergy with seniors and juniors in organizations.

It’s a special management training that combines the classical management techniques of both minor and senior executives with natural Jiujitsu persuasion techniques as well as teaching how to cancel out the perception difference between doing something and asking something to be done with practical and entertaining operations.



*Decision making processes & time management
*Effective meeting management
*Conflict management & negotiation techniques
*Leadership models and adaptation
*Delegation of authority processes
*Limit criteria in initiative delegation

*Process of creating a cadre
*Planning processes for six months and a year
*Building of middle level bridges for the decisions to come to fruition
*Career planning
*Salary and bonus programming


Dealer and distributor differences
Dealer system configuration beginning process
Investigating the potential candidate dealers
Preparing the dealership system catalogue
Preparing the dealership system and its contract
Year-end target / quota programming

Creating new dealers from existing dealers
Contest and motivation system amongst dealers
Weekly, monthly and annual tracking & auditing system
Competition strategy differences depending on the channels
Trainings of the dealer owners & managers
Trainings of the dealer staff

It’s possible to choose two different programs consisted of 2 consecutive full days or 2 days x 2 months.

In the Senior Management Program, the dynamics of total performance management are conveyed for all the decision-making units working on the strategic planning route to act upon interaction principles rather than communication.

  • Corporate branding, determining the sectoral bearing points, main and sub brands positioning
  • Creating a marketing plan and a parallel sales program
  • Leadership development operations & crisis management
  • Stress management & empathetic audit criteria, solid life factors
  • Preparing project-based performance premium systems
  • Initiative management during decision matrix processes
  • Coordination between the company & staff during the medium and long-term career planning
  • Product demonstration and presentations’ creation and crosscheck processes
  • It offers an integrated content including efficient governance principles such as;
  • Ad planning, agency efficiency audit,

Perception management & defense from rival manipulations
It’s an institution-specific interaction program consisted of 2 consecutive days x 4 months, 8 days in total.

senior management
presentation and meeting

Presentation and Meeting Techniques Program is an operative program prepared with target-oriented, persistent measurable efficiency criteria in order to show the participants effective presentation and meeting management practices.
It deals with agenda setting before the meeting, distribution of tasks for pre-studies by determining active and passive participants, methods of determining the meeting duration, recognizing and presentation control, decision making processes and online meetings’ critical differences.

The program that targets all the employees dealing with meetings, presentations & demonstrations aims to gain its participants more confidence with effective meetings, presentation & stage management techniques. A process training that starts from the presentation’s preparation and lasts until the post-meeting performance measurement. It’s an entertaining training program that focuses on stage practices and effective use of voice in meeting management, body language, mimics, tone of voice, emphasis and the harmony of all the scenario with technological devices.

It’s a certificated training program with maximum 16 people consisted of institution employees or participants in open classes. Depending on the participants’ level of experience; it can take 2 consecutive days or 2 months x 2 days (4 days in total).

Branded Real Estate Program is developed for; along with the managers (engineers included) taking part in a real estate project and the studies before the creation of the brand its attached to as well as during the creation of it; all the managers of the project’s marketing, sales and post-sales services units, construction company owners, mid-level and senior managers (project developing, marketing, sales, post-sales services, business development and architectural team managers) and the managers of the connected agencies (creative directors, graphic designers, script writers, directors, customer relations managers).

branded real estate

This training is consisted of two different versions. The first one is developed to determine what kind of revision and sale increasing studies to focus on for the current projects in case the successive projects in the real estate industry do not give the desired outcome. As for the second version; the aim is to convey the hot sales-oriented management development criteria during the creation of the processes of new projects. It’s a (tailor) training that’s prepared specific to each institution and it includes both theoretical and practical knowledge. It enables the architecture team to build a mutual bridge between themselves and the marketing managers, sales managers and the sales staff while preparing their projects.


*Developing the real estate projects in accordance with regional target audience based on CRM
*Measurement of an artistic and creative concept to sales value
*Pre-construction, criteria for the preparation of 3D demo presentations
*Pre-measure techniques of efficiency for focus groups
*Induction ~ deduction intersection methods of the realistic pricing studies
*Planning the current request marketing strategies
*Programming the sales activations in accordance with the plan
*Marketing strategies based on creating new requests, active & passive sales operations
*Preparation of sales promotions and efficiency measurements
*Presentation (TV, internet, newspaper, magazine, outdoor advertising) techniques based on the AIDA~KD model
*Projects with AIDA~KD model and show flat hot sales effects techniques
*Creating new customers with post-sales references

Markalı Gayrimenkul Programı_2

Despite the fact the customers’ attitudes during face to face sales meetings have remained the same for a century, it’s claimed that they change continuously because of the globalization of the world due to technological advancements. However, the human being depicted in classical literature or social psychology is the quintessentially unchanging human. What does change, is the consumption habit. The decision-making process always remains the same.

If a marketing campaign is structured purely based on active sales principles, it will be possible to measure the results beforehand and corporate branding and the effect of transformation to hot sales will work harmoniously to shape the campaign.

Values that create Turquoise; hot sales effects, aesthetic creativity and an assertive marketing training with artistic natural formation and an interaction training developed specifically for managers who deal with real estate projects.

The theoretical program is consisted of consecutive 2 full days and if requested, it’s followed by an 8 days long project-specific, operative interaction program for 8 weeks x 8 days.

competitive perception

Competitive Perception Management & Manipulation Program is a program that deals with; perception management definition, its brief history, perception engineering, nine basic manipulation techniques and all the factors of the function during the creation of competitive corporate marketing campaigns.
Most of the time, the term perception management has negative connotations. However, it’s simply a collection of a hundred years old classical marketing activities. At the end of this training, the participants will both learn how to defend themselves against their possible rivals during manipulation wars and also how to plan positive perception management for corporate branding with basic public relations techniques.

Corporate ego wars are actually based on hiding a truth and replacing it with another truth, then announcing it to the public to legitimize a perception.

For a steady corporate branding, the angels should be aware of the demons’ plans and tactics so that they can defend themselves accordingly.

One of the two perception management programs lasting 1 or 2 consecutive days can be requested.

Feasibility Report & Marketing Plan Preparation Program is an operative training program about the preparation of an inductive feasibility report and a deductive Turquoise Marketing plan and then combining these two to create the ‘Strategic Balance Plan’.

For an analytical feasibility study; Economical Evaluation, Subject of the Report, Analysis of the Market, Central Management Field Selection, Employment Situation, Technical Evaluation, Manufacturing Technology, Functions of the Executive Software, Central Office Opening and Target Marketing & Sales Program, Industry Capacity, Fixed Investment Cost, Annual Income and Outcomes, Hot & Total Institution Capital Need, Total Investment Cost, Economical Lifespan of the Investment, Profitability of the Investment, Pricing, Result Social Commentary & Result Analytical Commentary Criteria and Suggested Operation time are dealt with.

feasibility report

For a cognitive marketing plan (in this specific order); Situation Analysis, Target Acquisition & Strategies, Developing the Marketing Course of Action Programs, Operation, Coordination & Control are dealt with and the plan reporting is completed with the building of a strategic balance bridge between result commentary and feasibility results.

It’s an operative interaction training program that lasts 2 consecutive days.

stres and anger management

Stress & Anger Management Program is an interaction training program based on the solutions to the stressful situations faced in both professional and social life. It also includes practices about anger management.

It’s a program developed for professionals who suffer from stress due to work, economy, traffic or other responsibilities. A practice-based training for those who don’t want to lose their enthusiasm for the sake of getting rid of stress and find peace.

Unlike any other theoretical trainings about stress management, there are no stress relieving or inducing methods. It’s a physical and spiritual life program based on the study titled ‘Caribbean Model Stress Management’.

It’s possible to choose 2 consecutive days or programs consisted of 2 months x 2 days (4 days in total).

‘Lagrimas’ Stress & Anger Management Caribbean Model Educational Life Individual Program is based on Alvin Almera’s life program for all the participants who feel agitated due to at least four of the city life-induced stress sources listed below. Everyone who wishes to keep their enthusiasm intact while getting rid of their anxiety can participate.

Unlike any other stress management trainings, the program ‘Lagrimas’ does not focus on methods for relieving or inducing stress. On the contrary, by turning it into enthusiasm with the help of a magical formula and making it something to enjoy rather than to suffer from; this operative program focuses on enabling the participants to live with it.

caribbean model


“I’m so tired of the hustle and bustle of the big cities, the crowdedness and loud parties and because of all the bad experiences faced especially during early twenties, now I’m much more cautious about people.”

“When I’m stuck in a traffic jam in the morning, I find myself fantasizing about leaving this place, settling in somewhere else like Marmaris, Kaş, Bodrum or perhaps even somewhere abroad.”

“My country has seemingly never-ending economical, educational and political problems and under these circumstances, being able to enjoy things like romance and humor feels like a luxury I cannot afford.”

“I don’t really trust the methods being sold under the name of ‘stress management techniques’, no matter how many times to I count to ten and take deep breaths to calm myself, nothing really changes.”

“Normally, music soothes my soul and makes me happy, but nowadays I can’t stand even the songs I thought I liked most’…

It’s within the ‘Lagrimas’ Stressful Lives Interaction Courses & ‘Turquoise Ressar’ Programs and deals with how to connect the professional life with social life while focusing on the terms such as love, victory, earning money, listening, sharing, empathy, one on one relationships, art and time through the eyes of a Caribbean.

Lagrimas Educational Life Program is consisted of 4+1=5 modules;

Lagrimas Educational Life Program is consisted of 4+1=5 modules;

Module 1: Confrontation: Introduction, warm up, transition, stage, opening, interest, problem and its solution… Because they’re rather uncertain, all the sentimental and material values that cause one stress are examined and after determining them with the participants, they’re gathered together on a theoretical, but a deep blue island. Then, a vacation to a green ‘art island’ starts. Lastly, by building a nice red bridge between the two islands, it ends with a surprise finale about how to add the color turquoise to one’s life to minimize the stress level.

Module 2: Acceptance: A spouse, a job and a boat, wishes, competitions, money, faces and art… This module starts with the participants sharing their thoughts about what makes a job a job and what makes a relationship a relationship. After embracing the basic definition, these values are shared one by one; creating new colors in life, being able to choose freedom in practice as well, the fact targets shouldn’t require reciprocity, a song, how to take a break from life, how to measure our place while stepping out of the circle, what it means to be a ‘ressar’, and what values it adds to our lives…

Module 3: Coloration: The value of being able to reduce life to a single verse… This module includes subjects such as; it’s possible to win while losing, the importance of taking a bearing for our lives regularly, examining the chemistry of love, a method for being able to foresee the future of all one on one relationships. Practices about turning stress into enthusiasm instead of trying to fight it, how to search for love, ways to start interactions, values worth compromising for, being truly sincere are shared.

Module 4: Making them smile: Owing every single stressed face a debt of gratitude… In this important module that’s followed by the finale, we focus on; jealousy, selfishness, adding happiness and passion to life, turquoise lies, honesty that comes with naturality, contemplating life through habits, a new sense of time, ‘today’, which is the secret to a stress-free life after defining first the future, and then the past.

Module 5: Enthusiasm: A bridge between giving more and sharing as we receive more… In the final module, while going over all the factors about stress one more time, we discuss; short-temper, altruism, living the art and keeping it alive, true desires, accepting the situation, being color blind when it comes to love, the time of love, courage, idea bank, happiness, despair, unhappiness, happy ends and action terms.

It’s a life process program that goes hand in hand with workshop interactions and physical conditions. It takes consecutive 2 full days x 5 Modules and 8 weeks (16 days in total).

call center

Turquoise Phone ‘Call Center’ Interaction Training Program is a special training for everyone working in telephone-based performance jobs like incoming, outgoing, call center and telemarketing positions.

The program is based on the dynamics suggesting the fact the consistent and high performance depends on the employee’s inner peace.

This operative interaction training where a lot of practices are shared is prepared for both the negotiators who don’t require persuasion tactics and those who do require them (sales, appointment etc.). It’s a certificated training that includes theoretical and practical examples for incoming and outgoing meetings as well as basic negotiation techniques.

Workers in this group (which is consisted of occupations with very high difficulty levels) are expected to perform well while also being able to maintain their own inner peace, and such thing is certainly a talent one can acquire only after an efficient training process.

This short program can take 2 consecutive days or 2 months x 2 days (4 days in total).

Hotel Professionals Stress Management Program , it’s a program developed for quality-oriented hotel and resort professionals. It’s developed for all the employers of the tourism industry who encounter stressful situation both in their professional and social lives and need stable solutions to their problems with their colleagues, customers or family members.

This two-modules program’s first part includes classical stress management techniques with physical assignments. The second part -which is quite different from the regular corporate trainings- includes spiritual assignments with various activities where all the participants are interacted with.

Lagrimas is a special program in which Professor Alvin Almera’s Caribbean lifestyle-inspired works are applied to our country’s tourism industry through Kunter Dogrusoz’s work titled ‘Turquoise Ressar’.

It’s a corporate interaction training program developed both for the industry and specific institutions and it lasts 2 consecutive days.

hotel professionals stress management
gastronomic sales

Gastronomic Sales & Stress Management Program is an interaction program developed for employees working in regional and urban tourism institutions, agencies, restaurants, parks and similar cultural places.

The purpose of this program is to share the techniques of creating a commercial synergy by turning the regional competition into a win-win situation.

The knowledge the participants are expected to acquire at the end of this seminar:

• Planning the common media applications
• Common town, integrated place, special brand presentation strategies
• The effects of stress on integrated marketing
• Mutual stress management during gastronomic presentations
• Techniques of creating synergy with the gastronomy professionals
• Internet management techniques for gastronomic branding
• Sales techniques about collecting memories apart from eating, drinking and travelling
• Techniques of turning a classical restaurant into a gastronomy branded place
• Methods of instilling the gastronomy culture in tourism industry employees
• Activity planning, preparation, pre-sales, sales, arrangement and post-activity reconversion-oriented process management

Depending on the demand, there are two different interaction training programs with one lasting a single day and the other 2 consecutive days.

Discussion & Negotiation Management Techniques Program is an operative program about in-house discussion, multi-thesis groups, perception for multi team defense processes, persuasion, reconciliation, altruism, devotion and techniques of executing the win-win principles.

“Nothing prevents happiness like the memory of happiness,” says André Gide… The purpose of this interaction training is to urge the in-house professionals to look at the game through the eyes of their rivals and thus to reveal the special bearing points of the competition. So that they can come up with realistic defenses against the possible or existing (whether valid or weak) arguments from their potential rivals.

discussion and negotiation

The main structure of the operative discussion training is based on thesis and antithesis discussion groups, moderators, teams and a jury committee. One speaker from each group gives a verbal presentation and defends their own thesis. Before the presentations and in between the defenses, negotiation techniques recess trainings and the second stage of the process training are shared.

At the discussion finale, the last negotiations are arranged, the group and the speaker that get the highest points from the public jury are rewarded. At the evaluation part, all the defense arguments that effect the main discussion topic depending on the general group points are discussed. This result is close to the antithesis the related institution is likely to receive in the industry because the weapons of the speakers and their lack of belief reflect on the industry.

It’s an interaction program that lasts 1 full day after a half-day pre-study before the training.

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